Love that Grill

Today I am just loving that grill! So thank you my dear Michael for getting one that doesn't make me feel like I'm about to catch fire while lighting it!

It's no secret! Eating healthy takes planning and preparation ... but don't let that hold you back. Make it easier on your self to keep your desired commitment to eating clean, nutrient packed food each day by preparing in advance the weeks lunch/dinner. If grabbing a fresh salad with grilled chicken or fish is just as convenient as grabbing a bag of chips ... chances are you will hold fast to your goal of making healthier choices for you and your family.

Lunch meals are a struggle for me. My mid day meal seems to get lost in the shuffle of preparing food for my boys and managing all the tasks and events we have set for the day. Often times I find myself eating their left over scraps, grabbing a handful of nuts, or if I'm lucky I squeeze in a protein & green smoothie. What I have found during my times of cleansing is that I feel so much more energized and stable when I have a wholesome lunch. I am a happier, energetic, emotionally stable mom on those days, and well, that is just good for everybody!

So with that in mind, this week I chose to set myself up for success! I marinated and grilled five chicken breasts, and prepared a large salad to be enjoyed throughout the next few days. Seriously, we do this often in our household, and not only does it help me out, but my husband is then able to easily prepare a wonderful lunch to bring to work, and my kiddos have healthy options readily available for their meals as well.

So what to do...

Here's the thing: when I cook I do not like to measure ingredients. Seriously, it is so much more fun to cook when you are not controlled by a recipe! Be brave ... give it a try. The only down side is if your dish is completely awesome, you may never be able to recreate it! (sigh) That is my husband's biggest complaint. He will take a bite of something and express how delicious it is, and then look at me and say, "You have no idea what you did, do you!"    "Uhhh...Nope!".

Ok, so welcome to my do it fast and healthy, organic, GMO, allergy-free kitchen!!!

(I will put an approximate measurement, but seriously just pour and shake what ever your taste buds tell you to do. For example, do you like citrus? Put on more lemon juice or orange juice. Do you prefer a smokey heat? If so, add more chipotle pepper. Feeling the desire for depth and spice? Add more cumin. Want it a bit more basic? Focus on chili powder and paprika. And when it comes to salt, pepper, and garlic ... shake in about how much you would add if sprinkling it on a piece of chicken, and multiply it enough for each breast! Remember, if it is easy to do ... you are more likely to do it! So.. get shaking!)

Step 1:  Prepare the Grilled Tex/Mex Chicken

Rinse 4 or more organic chicken breasts. Use a stainless steal meat tenderizer to beat them down to an even thickness. Stab each breast with a knife multiple times to allow the marinade to penetrate. (Sounds brutal!) Place the breasts in a large container. Now add the following ingredients...remember, be your taste buds, skip the measuring and own it: Oil 1/4 cup (avocado, olive, canola, or coconut), lemon juice 1/3 cup, orange juice 1/3 cup, coconut vinegar (or white wine vinegar) 1/4 cup, chili powder 1 1/2 tsps., paprika 1 tsp., cumin 1 1/2 tsps., chipotle pepper 1/2 tsp., garlic 1/2 tsp., dried cilantro 1 tsp., salt, and pepper. Put the lid on the container and SHAKE! Allow the chicken to marinate for a few hours in the refrigerator. (I think I waited only 45 minutes this time and it was fabulous!)

Step 2:  While the meat is marinating, Make a Large Salad

I use a large rectangular Rubbermaid container to make and store the week's salad. The base of your salad should be some nutritious mixed greens, focusing more heavily on spinach, kale, and arugula. As far as the other veggies, your call. For me, my salads tend to have some of the following: mixed greens, spinach, arugula, kale, red onion, tomato, carrots, beet sprouts or roasted beets, raisins or cranberries, fresh berries, pumpkin seeds, olives, cucumber, bell peppers, fennel, fresh cilantro or rosemary, and roasted asparagus.

Today's salad was a mix of these lovely ingredients: mixed salad greens, spinach, cucumber, carrots, tomatoes, olives, blueberries, red onion, and the oh so divine AVACADO. (I have a deep love for the avocado! So delicious! So nutritious! I have one just about every day. Give up cheese and grab this green'll be happy you did!)


Step 3: Grill the Chicken

I am no grill master, but I am experimenting and learning. Typically my hubby does the grilling, but with this new grill I am trying things out and gaining some confidence in this culinary skill! So my instructions are pretty basic : Light the grill and keep it on high to do some preheating for about 5-8 minutes. Once preheated, turn the temperature down to low-medium and place the chicken breasts on the grill. I got a little distracted while breaking up a serious Lego war between my boys, so my chicken stayed on the grill for probably like 10 minutes or more before flipping, and is a little charred. You typically need only 8 minutes, flip the breasts and grill 7-8 minutes more, or until no longer pink. Every flame is different, so just keep an eye on it.

Transfer the grilled chicken to a bamboo cutting board. Slice what you will use and package the remaining breasts for future meals. (Typically I use 1/2 a breast for one serving.)


Step 4: Create your Lunch!

Fill a plate with your desired amount of salad. Add your chicken, and if you want to kick it up a notch... a sliced avocado. I typically slice the avocado, and top it with some lemon juice, salt, and garlic ... think un-mashed guacamole! Drizzle on some fresh salad dressing (olive oil, lemon juice, vinegar, salt, pepper, garlic, agave/honey). Enjoy!


Step 5: Create your Kiddos Lunch!

You are modeling a healthy lifestyle, so share your awesome food with your kids! Most certainly your children are not screaming for a salad, but you can use your salad fixins to create a nutritious lunch for them without adding much more work for yourself. 

Tested Tips:

  1. Cut the chicken breast into small pieces and stick in a tooth pick. My boys think everything is more enticing with a toothpick!
  2. While you are making the salad, cut strips of peppers, carrots, and cucumbers that can easily be picked up with little fingers.
  3. Use half of the avocado from your salad to make a quick, basic guacamole-like dip. Just mash the unused half and add a little bit of lemon juice, salt, and garlic. Let them dip their veggies into it. Dipping is fun and with every dip they are ingesting amazing healthy fats to fuel those growing bodies and minds.

I hope you enjoy your lunches this week as much as I will!

Wishing you health, happiness, and healing ... Laura G.


OMeGa Powerballs!

Today I made one of my all time favorite bundles of awesomeness: OMeGa Powerballs. I originally created this recipe in order to have a quick, easy-to-eat breakfast jam-packed with nutrients for my kiddos. However, they very instantly became a love of mine ... I have to watch myself, as when I eat these I seem to have no "off button"! (hence the OMG!)

So what makes these balls so powerful and awesome? Well for starters, it is loaded with tons of protein, fiber, healthy fats, and omegas from the nuts, quinoa, flax, and seeds smashed up in each little ball. To top it off, they are even blessed with Ancient Aztec warrior strength and stamina through the addition of tiny chia seeds.

I try my best to fuel my kids with foods that will balance their physical and mental health, and help them grow. As you "Autism Mommies" know, this is not always an easy task; our children can be quite self limiting in their food selections and very resistant to new foods! Having a little power packed ball that easily fits in their hands and can be devoured in a couple bites ... something to smile about! They don't know every cell in their body will be singing praises as they are flooded with essential, healing nutrients ... but you do!

Go ahead and tell them it is a "cookie ball" (Sure tastes like one!). I always seem to get the best results with my boys when I twist the name into something favorable or sell them on their desired outcome ...  "It will help you become a strong ninja." (Not far from the truth!)

Just another trick for your trade.


powerballs and me.jpg

(I revised a recipe from so that it would adhere to my son's allergy profile and be organic and packed with the most nutrients!)

OMeGa Powerballs

What You Need

  • 1 cup quinoa flakes
  • 2/3 cups toasted organic coconut flakes
  • 1/2 cup organic almond butter/cashew butter
  • 1/3 cup organic flaxseed meal
  • 1/4 cup organic pumpkin seeds (roasted, salted, or raw)
  • 1/2 cup allergy-free enjoy life chocolate chips
  • 1/3 cup local honey
  • 1 Tablespoon maple syrup/organic agave (optional)
  • 4 teaspoons chia seeds
  • 1 teaspoon vanilla extract

What To Do

  1. Grab a big mixing bowl and a baking sheet. Preheat the oven to 350'.
  2. Scatter the organic coconut onto the baking sheet and bake in the oven for 5 minutes. Try to flip it a bit halfway. (Keep your eye on it as it can quickly become a black, stinky, burnt mess!)
  3. Start filling the mixing bowl with the ingredients. Use a spoon to mix all the ingredients together until evenly blended.
  4. Place bowl into the refrigerator for 10 minutes.
  5. Use a spoon to lift just enough of the mixture out to make the desired sized OMeGa Powerball. Roll the extracted mix into a ball until no more mixture remains, and store in an airtight container in the refrigerator.
  6. These balls are great for a quick breakfast, treat,  or a mid-day boost!

"Fast" food without the "mommy-guilt"

So day three after Thanksgiving…the Christmas tree is up and my kiddos will be expecting Christmas every morning now! So glad that our little shelf-elf has paid us an early visit to help my boys keep the holiday behavior frenzy in check! (Thank you Chippy!)

I am trying to transition quickly from one holiday to the next, but finding it a challenge as my refrigerator is still overflowing with Thanksgiving left-overs and my beautiful fall flower arrangements are still flourishing in their vases. I am distracted with excited thoughts of the holidays but also a bit flattened by the extensive cooking and baking that has gone on in the last week; however, I still have 3 little boys who are ALWAYS hungry!  “LUNCH!!!”

With all the hustle of the holidays, it seems eating “easy to grab food” becomes the need and acceptable norm. Although grab-n-go food does allow for more time to SHOP and WRAP and DECORATE and PLAN, it tends to leave you without the lasting energy and nutrients to really fuel you for a happy holiday season, and can leave your kiddos an irritable, whiny, hyper mess more prone to illness…and we all know how that can bust a holiday.

Because my oldest, autistic son has had anywhere up to 35 IgG food allergies for the last 8 years, drive-thrus and frozen meals have not been an option for us. Some of that is changing though as more and more gluten-free, allergy-free foods are becoming available in stores and restaurants in combination with his incredible reduction in his number of food sensitivities. However, my experience in restaurants has been one that often leaves my kiddos with dark circles under their eyes, stomach pains, digestive upset, irritability, and headaches ... enough to still make me shy away from the “easy way” out of the kitchen.

So, what to do when you can’t go through the drive-thru but still need food fast? You make that fast food in your kitchen.

Today in my kitchen, that’s exactly what I did.

Upon hearing the boys’ shouts of what could only be explained as shear starvation, my first impulse was to look in the refrigerator for a frozen pizza for their lunch. (I need a break…What??? I still haven’t cleaned the breakfast dishes from the pumpkin pancakes, and there is laundry, decorating, and Christmas cards!) Then, I felt that tug…yes the tug of guilt, or perhaps it’s smarts…but I chose not to open that freezer. Instead, I quickly prepared a nutrient dense dish that in all honesty took less time than it would have ever taken to cook that pizza! 

Quinoa Pasta with Broccoli Curry Coconut Cream Sauce


What’s so special about this dish? Well for starters…It tastes DeeeLISH! It has the same creamy comfort of homemade macaroni-n-cheese but without the dreaded casein (dairy protein) and well, it has so much more flavor!

Other pluses -

  • It only took 12 minutes
  • No measuring
  • A one pot meal
  • Organic
  • Gluten-Free, Casein-Free, Soy-Free
  • Antiinflammatory benefits
  • Antifungal benefits
  • Rich in vitamins , minerals, healthy fats, and fiber

The bonus benefit…no mommy guilt. 


OK, so you may not be a pro in the kitchen, but seriously you can just throw this all together with confidence…even if all you know how to do is boil water!

So, start with a pot full of water and bring it to a boil. Then add your quinoa pasta (you could also use lentil pasta and feel just as good about the nutrients). After 5 minutes, throw in some organic (fresh or frozen) broccoli florets. Lower temperature just enough so it all doesn’t ooze over the top of the pot. Keep cooking for another 6-7 minutes or until veggies are done to your liking. Drain and then put pasta back into the pot. Add one can of organic coconut milk. Stir on med-low heat. Add in yellow curry powder, garlic powder, and sea salt to taste. EAT!

Hope your  Holiday Season kicks off with a healthy start!

If you are in need of more quick allergy-free  food options for you and your kiddos, check out this chapter in the Air Diet!