Press On & Persevere ...

After dropping the kiddos off at school today, I went out for my run. Typically I do this at 5AM, but my usual 4:45 wake up seemed too extreme for this Body Pumped soreness I am still feeling from Monday's class. So with an extra hour of sleep, breakfast, coffee ... by 8:30 it was go time!

It was a nice change running in the daylight (feel as though I have become a vampire runner these days), and as I approached my desired turn around point I chose not to turn around: I kept going; tired, hot, alone, I chose to keep pressing on this new route. Something inside of me said to keep running, to move forward ... there is more needed, it can be greater.

So what was the greater thing from my run? More calories burned, more sweat, enhanced training effect? I don't know ... perhaps this blog! (heehee) It was a good run though!!

Going passed my set turn back point on this run is such the metaphor for my life. Our life with Autism, PANDAS, food sensitivities, leaky gut, microbial invasion, autoimmune disease, MTHFR.... My husband and I so often define a stopping place of treatment for all this, and yet we consistently go beyond that turn around place. We keep moving our son, our family forward.

Life is hard with autism. Life is unbearable during a PANDAS flare. Life is often isolating and lonely with food allergies. Life is exhausting when one gives all they have financially, emotionally, physically, spiritually, and still the illness, the autism remains. Yet ... something inside says, "Press on ... Persevere ...Stay the course ... Victory is near".

Our journey with our son Logan has taken many different paths. A lot of times it just feels like a circle, but emotions aside ... it is a spiral. It can get mentally messy going around and around with different supplements, therapies, dietary adjustments, and treatment protocols, and it is that frazzled, exhausted state of being that makes me often want to just stop and turn around, turn away from it all. But I don't, we don't. Just like in my morning run, I press on, tired, exhausted, often alone ... I persevere for something greater. In this case ... for greater healing for our son.

Autism can bring one to very dark places but also bring some amazing triumphs. Those who rise victoriously from a battle, often look like they have been through hell, they've given their all not knowing the final outcome, but pressing on, persevering with hope for victory. Whether a boxer, football player, soldier, track athlete, cancer patient ... mom of an autistic boy ..  it holds true.

"PRESS ON and PERSEVERE" ...isn't that what we are ALL CALLED to do?" I think I am feeling driven today to encourage you "WARRIOR MOMS"  because we've had a rough few weeks battling a PANDAS flare in our home due to strep throat. As we emerge from this battle from the help of some amazing antibiotics, I am just more aware of our patterns of complete chaos followed by victory and hope so that perhaps that you too will find the strength to "PRESS ON and PERSEVERE" even though you may be worn thin. Victory from the battle must be close.

All this reminds me of a moment I shared in "OUR STORY" from THE AIR DIET, :

"There have been times (many) when I have fallen to my knees, face to the floor, in grave devastation pleading with God to change things, to remove the pain in my bleeding heart, to heal our son, and restore some sense of normalcy in our family life. Once, to my surprise, I was brought out of one of these heart-wrenching prayers by a soft voice, Logan's voice, and as he looked at me weeping, he clearly said to me, "Never, never, never, give up." (THE AIR DIET, 2014, p. 183)

So whatever battle you are facing. What ever point you are at on your journey. PRESS ON and PERSEVERE and "Never, never, never, give up." Extend your turn around point and keep going!


Hold On to Yesterday!

Yesterday our son had one diagnosis, one label; today because of updated expanded tests, he has 5 with some subdivisions! Five categories to classify and describe my son. Amazing how a 23 page document can instantly leave one feeling so deflated. I feel deflated. This document I hold classifying, describing, and supporting multiple labels for my son. You autism moms…you know the deal. That moment after listening for hours attentively to every detail the doctor utters about your child…it all crashes in. The fact that you are actually holding a document of “scientific data” on your child, painful enough!!  But then what it says….what it means for now, for the future.

As I describe in the Our Story section of the Air Diet …the rug has once again been pulled out from under me and I sit here alone in my ache and worries. How one sweet boy could rank so low compared to others his age is hard to soak in ...because he’s our boy.

As I sat in the car processing all this (actually just frozen really in my oozing weeping) I was reminded of “The Voice of Truth”, of course I then quickly YouTube the song and find myself in a state of crying more with strong tugs on my soul. But what is the truth…

The truth is autism is hard. The truth is that autism exposes all your child’s and your own insecurities, mental and physical deficits, fears, genetic weaknesses, emotional flaws, and doubts to the world. But the truth is it also reveals your strengths and pulls out of you, as a parent, qualities you may never have shown otherwise. It also demands that you live in the moment and treasure what is good, what is right, what is real, what is important. You have to find that silver lining!

Logan may not have measured up highly compared to the majority of the population on some standardized tests; however, our Logan, our autistic Logan is sweet to everyone; works hard and wants to do his best; he plays on a basketball team with typical teammates his own age; is learning to play the piano; does his own laundry; helps with household chores; loves babies and is gentle with them; helps me cook and bake; understands the importance of a healthy organic diet; enjoys shopping for and learning about fruits and vegetables; cares for his pet bunny; plays with and looks out for his younger brothers; and is the first to say to me “I love you” each morning. That’s the truth.

Perhaps these are not standard, measureable gains…but I am choosing to listen to “The Voice of Truth”.

So yesterday was better than today. In fact, I was all pumped ready to blog about my wonderful shopping experience with my kiddos, and now, deflated I just have to. I have to for me, to hold onto what is true and good. I have to for Logan. I have to for you, for hope. 

Breathe… go back…

Yesterday, Super Bowl Sunday!

I headed out with my crew of three after church to do our weekly shopping with the additional extras for our Super Bowl Super Feast! Now, any mom can relate…shopping with a long list and three energetic, hungry boys is not a task taken lightly. I was prepared. Like any good mom of an autistic child, I had my kiddos’ reward charts ready for that positive reinforcement ensuring a successful addition, I made sure the quiet threats whispered about losing their lunch out and much desired treat at Native Sun were clearly understood!  sorry ABA therapists, but got to balance things out!

As the glass doors of the health food store slide open, it feels like walking into a potential war zone. I brace myself, take a deep breath, pop a couple chewable L-theanine to prevent unavoidable stress overload, and enter.

Logan quickly goes into his excited search for every possible organic fruit or vegetable he can find…we are in a completely organic food market…you get the picture! Feeling the sudden surge of adrenaline, I remind myself to stay cool and calmly redirect my Logan and rally in my wandering other two sons. The L-theanine must have kicked in because I had that moment of pure sweet pleasure in which I felt so proud of my son as he began to describe all the organic vegetables and explain to me how bad and gross GMOs were for people. The health educator in me was beaming with pride from her valued student’s intelligence and passion.

Certainly it was not like we were floating peacefully and effortlessly through the store….there was redirecting, lifting up arguing kids from under the cart, running over my child with the cart, and periodically removing foreign foods from the cart, but four times…,..FOUR times I was complemented on how well behaved my children were in the store, and praised by how aware they were about healthy food choices.

Towards the end of our shopping adventure, a woman with a big, friendly smile approached me (of course as I was reaching in the freezer for an organic, gluten free pizza … busted!). She said to the boys, ”You are so lucky to have such a smart mommy. She is filling you with such wonderful, nutritious food. This is why you are so good. This is why you are so smart. Remember this, your mommy is doing something really right!”

Arm in the freezer, I was humbled, caught off guard. Then I felt a tug to seize the moment to advertise “thank you so much, I actually have a book I wrote full of nutritious recipes right over there on the counter,” but instead, I paused, let the compliment sink in. And it FELT GOOD. I was doing something right. I was doing and have been doing something right for my kids and it shows. Not just to me, my husband, friends, and family. It is visible to everyone. All I could say with a proud, affirmed smile was, “Thank you”.

Yesterday was a good day.

There were quite a few times during the beginning of our journey of healing autism that comments made from others had left me in tears not smiles as they pointed out my son’s differences, difficulties, or my failed attempts at parenting. Those kind people, especially the lovely woman taking the time to say something nice, just because she noticed... a moment I will remember. Remember and feel affirmed that I am doing something right even though there are still often many things that leave me feeling otherwise.

Today doesn’t change yesterday and tomorrow can be better! And that there is the truth.

I know that is the truth. As we continue to fuel our son(s) with nutritious, organic foods, and reduce their exposure to environmental toxins and food allergens/sensitivities, their health improves. Symptoms of autism are reduced. It has been 8 years of adherence to the Air Diet and over that time we have experienced unforeseen progress in social, mental, emotional, and physical development within our son. As our son’s diet has improved by eliminating gluten, casein, soy, dyes, and other food allergens and replacing all that was disrupting his body and mind with allergen-free, organic foods, and supplements, his gut is slowly healing from pathogens, the inflammatory responses to foods are reduced, and toxins are being cleared from his body. He is healing.

There is no cure for autism. I am aware! There is no magic pill. However, providing your children (and yourself!) with healthy foods and reducing environmental toxins…it makes a world of difference. It’s the difference between your autistic child being in “their” world or “yours”. Using food for healing creates a foundation for social, emotional, mental, and physical growth. Maybe it doesn’t present itself on every standardized test, but it shows up in ways that count.

Start your healing journey. Start the Air Diet.

"Fast" food without the "mommy-guilt"

So day three after Thanksgiving…the Christmas tree is up and my kiddos will be expecting Christmas every morning now! So glad that our little shelf-elf has paid us an early visit to help my boys keep the holiday behavior frenzy in check! (Thank you Chippy!)

I am trying to transition quickly from one holiday to the next, but finding it a challenge as my refrigerator is still overflowing with Thanksgiving left-overs and my beautiful fall flower arrangements are still flourishing in their vases. I am distracted with excited thoughts of the holidays but also a bit flattened by the extensive cooking and baking that has gone on in the last week; however, I still have 3 little boys who are ALWAYS hungry!  “LUNCH!!!”

With all the hustle of the holidays, it seems eating “easy to grab food” becomes the need and acceptable norm. Although grab-n-go food does allow for more time to SHOP and WRAP and DECORATE and PLAN, it tends to leave you without the lasting energy and nutrients to really fuel you for a happy holiday season, and can leave your kiddos an irritable, whiny, hyper mess more prone to illness…and we all know how that can bust a holiday.

Because my oldest, autistic son has had anywhere up to 35 IgG food allergies for the last 8 years, drive-thrus and frozen meals have not been an option for us. Some of that is changing though as more and more gluten-free, allergy-free foods are becoming available in stores and restaurants in combination with his incredible reduction in his number of food sensitivities. However, my experience in restaurants has been one that often leaves my kiddos with dark circles under their eyes, stomach pains, digestive upset, irritability, and headaches ... enough to still make me shy away from the “easy way” out of the kitchen.

So, what to do when you can’t go through the drive-thru but still need food fast? You make that fast food in your kitchen.

Today in my kitchen, that’s exactly what I did.

Upon hearing the boys’ shouts of what could only be explained as shear starvation, my first impulse was to look in the refrigerator for a frozen pizza for their lunch. (I need a break…What??? I still haven’t cleaned the breakfast dishes from the pumpkin pancakes, and there is laundry, decorating, and Christmas cards!) Then, I felt that tug…yes the tug of guilt, or perhaps it’s smarts…but I chose not to open that freezer. Instead, I quickly prepared a nutrient dense dish that in all honesty took less time than it would have ever taken to cook that pizza! 

Quinoa Pasta with Broccoli Curry Coconut Cream Sauce


What’s so special about this dish? Well for starters…It tastes DeeeLISH! It has the same creamy comfort of homemade macaroni-n-cheese but without the dreaded casein (dairy protein) and well, it has so much more flavor!

Other pluses -

  • It only took 12 minutes
  • No measuring
  • A one pot meal
  • Organic
  • Gluten-Free, Casein-Free, Soy-Free
  • Antiinflammatory benefits
  • Antifungal benefits
  • Rich in vitamins , minerals, healthy fats, and fiber

The bonus benefit…no mommy guilt. 


OK, so you may not be a pro in the kitchen, but seriously you can just throw this all together with confidence…even if all you know how to do is boil water!

So, start with a pot full of water and bring it to a boil. Then add your quinoa pasta (you could also use lentil pasta and feel just as good about the nutrients). After 5 minutes, throw in some organic (fresh or frozen) broccoli florets. Lower temperature just enough so it all doesn’t ooze over the top of the pot. Keep cooking for another 6-7 minutes or until veggies are done to your liking. Drain and then put pasta back into the pot. Add one can of organic coconut milk. Stir on med-low heat. Add in yellow curry powder, garlic powder, and sea salt to taste. EAT!

Hope your  Holiday Season kicks off with a healthy start!

If you are in need of more quick allergy-free  food options for you and your kiddos, check out this chapter in the Air Diet!